Applicant Tracking System


Bring new employees into your organization through a smooth Onboarding process. Accelerate new hire productivity time, improve retention rates and reduce the administrative burden with Provitrac Onboarding. Increase productivity and reduce costs using the Provitrac Onboarding System to streamline your new hire paperwork. Regardless of your company size or requirements, our completely customizable onboarding system can provide a solution to fit your needs.

Our solution provides better new hire experiences in fewer steps and at lower costs. Our solutions combine all aspects of the embedding process through a personalized hiring interface. Using our solutions, companies can improve the hiring process, reduce risk, provide the HR staff with onboarding tools and reduce paperwork.

What is Onboarding?

The term Onboarding refers to the process of transitioning an employee into an organization. The new employee may be a new one or could even be an existing employee within the organization who is assuming a new role. The process to bring new employees into your company includes:

  • Having employees complete vital paperwork including payroll and benefits forms
  • Conveying your company brand and values
  • Explaining your professional culture and introducing company team members
  • Explaining your company expectations and performance benchmarks
  • Provide all the tools new employees need to be successful

Onboarding should help new employees feel a part of the company and feel that they can perform successfully. Provitrac onboarding reduces costs and paper forms, processes forms more quickly and accurately, and stores all files for easy locating and long term storage. Transitioning employees into your company to increase engagement and successful performance provides a win-win situation.

Onboarding and Employee Retention

Onboarding does more than bring a new employee into your company and help them feel part of the team. Employees who receive successful onboarding are up to 70% more likely to stay with their company longer and 50% more satisfied with their jobs.

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